So I am SO SICK of the phrase "Just wait, it only gets worse!" Just about every mom I talk to tells me how horrible labor and delivery are and then how irreversibly altered your life is after the baby. Why do people keep having kids if it is so awful! Maybe I am crazy, naive, and dumb for being excited about being pregnant and adding a little one to our family! Just let me be happy!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
2 Months to Go!
How am I already seven months pregnant!!! Wow. The last two months are going to FLY by, and I am really really not ready. We still haven't painted the baby furniture. Therefore the baby's room is not done at all. Yikes. We still haven't purchased a lot of essential baby care stuff and I am starting to get overwhelmed! But at least I have a belly!
So here is a funny story for me to tell the munchkin later in life. So this baby is incredibly active. My ribs and organs hurt all the time because he beats the crap out of them. This week I overdid it a little bit with work and household chores and stuff. Then baby's movements changed. He started to move very very softly and not as much which scared me to death. I spent Saturday and Sunday morning crying because I was sure there was something wrong with him. I finally gave in and called the OB/GYN on call. He told me to go and drink some OJ, lie down on my side and count the baby's movements for an hour. If I didn't feel 8 movements within the hour then I should call him back. So tearfully I laid down, with Scott by my side. We counted kicks for a whole hour. When we added them up, we had 68 movements within an hour. I will chalk this one up to first time paranoid mom!
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10:48 AM
My First Baby Shower
My cousin Tara and my aunt Sharon graciously hosted a baby shower for me on January 3rd. It was wonderful to see family. I don't see them as much as I would like all though all of us live so close! We are lame. But the shower was so much fun. We played the identify what is in the diaper game. It was funny to watch everyone smelling "messy" diapers. My little cousins kept plugging their noses because they were sure it wasn't food in the diapers. Thank you thank you to all that helped, I appreciate it more than you know!
Posted by
10:26 AM
Christmas in Just One Post
Christmas celebrations always start on December 1st for us with the advent calendar. I have done it every year of my life. It is my favorite Christmas tradition. When my mom stopped doing it for me when I got married I cried. My grandma had always done it in the past. My mother graciously gave in and does it for Scott and I now, but this year there was also presents for baby!
We got our Christmas tree from Clark and Linda. If it seems like it is leaning, it probably is. The top was broken in transit, but Scott toiled for hours to make it work. We decorated it with ornaments that Scott collected growing up with a few additions of our own.
Every year Carol has a fantastic brunch before Christmas. We have a wonderful meal followed by presents from Carol and Stan. Carol travels the world and brings us back all kinds of beautiful things from exotic places. She frequents Disneyland in her travels and she doesn't forget us when she is there. Erik's presents are always an event. As shown by the video. Carol has a love-hate relationship with my family's wiener dong Reeses (Rastus to Carol). She claims she can't stand her, but yet she always gets presents too. Reeses gave Carol a new statue for her home. Carol and Stan also manage to find awesome potato heads for us too. This year was no disappointment.
Christmas Eve we went ice skating with the Cannons! If I thought I was awkward and waddling on solid ground I was really awkward on the ice. We all had our moments of clumsiness. But we had a great time. That night Kiersten, Erik, Scott and I went to Rodizio Grill with my dad and Cindy. Yummy. Then we went back to his house for an entertaining game of Apples to Apples, followed by presents. We went back to the Cannons and opened our Christmas PJs (Pirate Santa pants of course) and the family gift . . . ROCK BAND!! Everyone and I do mean everyone plays this game!
We had Christmas dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Richens house. Grandma made her traditional crown roast and we had our fair share of her delicious homemade chocolates (my other favorite tradition!!! Really they are unbelievable!)
We had a Bruderer kids Christmas Party at our house before everyone went back to real life. We had a yummy dinner and exchanged sibling gifts. Of course Adri and Sally were spoiled rotten. Adri found a "crocodile" in our baby's room the last time she was here and she grew horribly attached. Luckily Scott and I were able to find another one at IKEA. Watching her open it was awesome! Sally of course found my old dance costumes in about two second and talked me into dressing up with her.
On New Year's Eve we went bowling with the Cannon Clan. Scott is still a force to be reckoned with thanks to his BYU bowling class! Gwenya however faired quite well. I believe the Nilssons beat the Cannons twice in a row! HA! That will make for quite the rematch next year!
Posted by
9:58 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
We are Alive!!!
Sorry to all who visit our page. I am VERY behind on my blogging. New updates are on the way I promise. I have been stranded at my mother's house which means I have about the same internet accessibility as the cavemen. It takes WAY too long to upload any kind of photo.
I am happy to report that all is well at the Bruderer household. We are still trying to move in and decorate and make our place feel like home. I admit that I am making it near impossible. I can't make decisions at all when it comes to decorating, I am completely lost. Scott has moved back to day shift, so he has joined the living again! Everything is still going well with the pregnancy. Dr. Larkin says everything looks great and normal which is SO relieving. Baby is quite the mover. My ribs rarely get a break. He moves around all the time including all hours of the night so mom doesn't get much sleep. The belly is getting bigger! Finally!
Posted by
10:36 AM