Sadly, Amber and Kara left us for the summer to be in Austin with Clark, Linda and the boys. So we had a farewell BBQ at our house to say goodbye for a little while. We grilled up some delicious chicken and steak, and had chips, salad and lemonade. The weather was nice so the festivities took place on our deck. After dinner we made chocolate chip cookies and had ice cream cookie sandwiches. Yum. It will be so strange not to have them close. We will miss you guys! (Note how Ben is snuggled into Amber in the last picture. That is classic Ben. We are always worried he can't breathe, but no matter what we do he always maneuvers himself back into this position.)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bruderer BBQ
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1:23 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Clark and Linda Came at Last!!
We desperately miss being so close to Grandpa Clark and Grandma Linda! This last weekend we were lucky enough to have them for two and half whole days! It was amazing. They swooped in to save the day right before Ben's blessing. They got off their plane, rented a car, and headed straight for Costco. They picked up all the essentials and more to feed the very large group we were having at our house that night. Sunday morning we woke up and took pictures of Ben in his blessing outfit and then went to church. We had a wonderful meal that night thanks to Grandma Linda's cooking expertise and Grandpa Clark's big fat paychecks. Monday night the kids went bowling with Grandpa Clark while Grandma Clark played mommy with Ben for a while. Then we all went to dinner at Red Robin. Ben of course was great as long as someone was holding him. Tuesday morning Scott, Jason and Clark went golfing while Linda gave me a newborn bath tutorial (that was awesome) and then took Ben on a nice long walk and gave mom some time to do things like shower and eat (so nice). We were so lucky to have them as long as we did! They were such an amazing help! Linda did more at my house in 2 and a half days than I have done in three weeks. Moms are incredible people and I have very very large footsteps to follow in! We miss you so much already Grandma and Grandpa! We can't wait until you come again in June!
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4:46 PM
Winter is Killing my Spring
I am so sick of this Indian Winter!!! Enough already! I woke up this morning on the happy side of life because today Mr. Ben and I would go for a walk in the Spring sunshine. Wrong answer. It snowed almost all day at my house! So not fair! I need warmth and sunshine in my life. I am so tired of cold!
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4:38 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Benjamin's Blessing
We blessed Ben in our home on April 19, 2008. We did it at our house so that we could have all the grandparents present. Well, this lucky boy has many sets of great grandparents who were also able to attend. It was so nice to have so many family members at our house all at once! It was amazing to have so many worthy priesthood holders there to assist in the blessing. It is a big relief to know that Ben has many incredible examples that he can look to as he grows up. The outfit Ben wore was given to my mother by a friend (who handmade it! wow.) when my brother Erik was born. Unfortunately, Erik outgrew it before he could wear it, so Ben made great use of it.
How amazing is it that we have four generations on both sides? And that we got pictures of it!
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2:37 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
We Made It To Church!
Scott and I decided to brave our ward today. We just went to sacrament meeting to test our abilities and Ben's tolerance. We started getting ready around 9:30 am and got out the door at around 12:45. Not bad for rookie parents! Luckily we were able to find seats just in time. For those of you who don't know our ward is gigantic!! We just barely split in January but we are bursting at the seams with over 600 people in a smaller ward house. We had to use the Relief Society room as an overflow for sacrament meeting today. Crazy.
So I get a little camera crazy with Ben. Here are two of my favorites from this morning.
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4:01 PM
Mommy, Daddy and Ben
It is not your imagination, Ben is not getting smaller. These pictures were taken by Lindsey at Silver Pelican when Ben was 2 weeks old. I am just barely getting around to posting them. I loved these two of me with Ben and Scott with Ben. Yeah for being parents!
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3:58 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Favorite Ben Moments
"What Up?"
"What are you lookin' at?"
"Who are these people?"
Snuggled up next to daddy on our walk to the new temple!
Bathtime!! In our brand new tub from Jay Lee!! Thank you SOOO much!
I LOVE these socks from Trumpette!! They are so fun! They have some really fun ones for girls too. Ben also has an animal print set too (Thanks to Angela and Lindsey).
"The Fonz" just like dad.
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3:38 PM