He has been the boss of our household for almost five months, but now that I find myself unemployed (will work for money and food!) he is the boss of my whole existence!!! At least he is cute and cuddly and I can't understand what he is screaming at me, but that day will come too quickly.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My New Boss . . .
Posted by
3:04 PM
The Best Toy Ever!
Ben has discovered his toes and now has endless entertainment right at his fingertips. He never stops playing with them. All day long; during diaper changes, when he wakes up, when he eats, when he sits, you name it!
Posted by
3:01 PM
Well, at first Ben was definitely NOT a fan. As you can tell by the following video. One thing is for sure. He looks EXACTLY like his dad when he eats something he doesn't like. They pull identical faces when they eat something gross. He has warmed up a bit since then. He will tolerate vegetables but rice cereal is still very questionable.
Posted by
2:47 PM
Ben's First Trip to Powell!
Besides being so hot we thought we would die, Ben LOVED Lake Powell. He did surprisingly well on the car ride there. No tears at all. He just played and laughed and slept. He thoroughly enjoyed sampling everyone's watermelon at dinner almost as much as they loved feeding it to him. Ben and I had the most luxurious of dwellings while aboard the Moki Mansion. We had our very own tent on top! He loved sitting in his Bumbo and playing rook with the family, he loved riding in the ski boat, he loved playing with all the family there and he eventually learned to love the lake
Ben's first ride in the ski boat. Lookin' Hot!
Ben with Grandpa Duane sporting a classic Powell hair do.
Grandma had a pretty bad hand and Ben knew it. How sad.
Grandpa Wayne prepping Ben for water entry. He has no idea what is about to happen.
Grandma Gwen and Ben struggled with finding a properly fitting flotation device.
Uncle Erik and EJ (aka Erik Junior). Or so Erik wishes.
Ben took a stab at playing the family card game for himself.
But he found that playing cards was exhausting so he took a nap.
Floating and napping in the lake. It just felt too good after a long hot day!
Posted by
1:22 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cry It Out Update . . .
Well it is 2:30 am of Day 6 of cry it out. Last night Ben was a total champ!!! He slept for 4 hours, then went straight back to sleep, then 5 hours, then straight back to sleep, then 3.5 hours and then awake! Hooray! He is figuring it out!! Tonight he did 5.5 hours then up to eat. Bad news: It is 2:30 am and we have been crying for roughly 30 min so far. So sad!! I just have to keep telling myself that this is worth it in the end! This is a skill he needs to learn. He can put himself back to sleep without me. Oh boy.
Posted by
2:28 AM