Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cry It Out Update . . .

Well it is 2:30 am of Day 6 of cry it out. Last night Ben was a total champ!!! He slept for 4 hours, then went straight back to sleep, then 5 hours, then straight back to sleep, then 3.5 hours and then awake! Hooray! He is figuring it out!! Tonight he did 5.5 hours then up to eat. Bad news: It is 2:30 am and we have been crying for roughly 30 min so far. So sad!! I just have to keep telling myself that this is worth it in the end! This is a skill he needs to learn. He can put himself back to sleep without me. Oh boy.


  1. I need to learn lessons from you!

  2. So so hard. That is what I think of the crying it out milestone. Of course my kids still have to do it, but I just hate it. So hard. Good luck...you can do it, Ben!!

  3. Are you surviving tonight mama?

    I miss your face!

  4. That is THE hardest part of parenting that first year. I hated it so bad, and you feel like the worst mom in the world when you hear them crying and can't comfort them. But I promise it is SO WORTH IT!! So hang in there! Ever since we made Hazel cry it out at 6 months, she's slept 12 hours straight every night. So, as hard as it may seem now, you'll look back and be so glad you did it! And he'll never remember it and still love you I promise! (: Good luck!!

  5. AHHHHH you can do IT!!! Graham was the same way...he would NOT sleep unless I held him. Letting him cry it out was the hardest thing I've ever done but WORTH it. He sleeps so well now...I just lay him in his crib and he lays down and falls asleep without a peep. Good luck! By the way he is darling....he's getting chunky, i love it!


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