Monday, October 13, 2008

These are for Grandma Linda

Ben is the tubby king!! He LOVES the water. As soon as his tub is full and I am lifting him in, he pulls up his legs anticipating sitting in the water. And then when I lift him out he does the same thing indicating he is not ready to get out yet. He has come to grips with the fact that mom puts water in his face all the time. He loves exploring and trying to figure out everything around him.


  1. I love all of his chub! Bath time is so much fun in our house too! :)

  2. What a stinkin cutie! Where are the hunts on that long list of friends you have! Call you soon! =)

  3. I love all the pictures in the bath and from the latest photo shoot. What an adorable baby. We sure miss him - can't wait till Christmas!

  4. Oh he is such a doll and he just keeps getting cuter. I love your picture together... baby bottoms are just so cute!


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