Friday, December 7, 2007

Tales of the Belly. . .

Everyone keeps asking for pictures of me and my belly. While it is definitely getting bigger I still am a little embarrassed that I am not showing more. (maybe our little guy is shy) When I tell people or when they ask if I am pregnant they always say "Oh but you are so tiny!" "Are you really that far along?" I am sure they are just trying to be nice. But I WANT to look like a pregnant lady!! oh well! I can feel him in there kicking around all the time, so at least I know that I am pregnant. Enjoy the pics of me and my growing belly!


  1. you are SO cute! less than 100 days to go!

  2. Wow! What a cute prego lady! And don't ever feel bad....everyone carries differently. Plus, you may still have some kind of major explosioin of the belly yet to come. Yay for baby boy Bruderer!

  3. I love that last one in the snow! It looks like a pregnant belly to me! (Be careful what you wish for...when I wasn't showing at the beginning I wanted my belly to look more "pregnant" then it POPPED, I mean come saw it! :)

  4. You are so cute, congrats... being a mom is the best!


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