Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's Worth It

This last week Ben has decided to become a sleeping nightmare. He was doing really well about every three hours at night. He would wake up, eat and fall back to sleep really quickly. He has now decided that waking every two hours is much more fun and occasionally every hour. Anytime any part of his body touches his crib and I let go. . . watch out! He instantly starts screaming bloody murder!! I try to soothe him, but it only makes it worse. But as soon as I pick him up, instant calm and off to dreamland. Argh. I am clueless here. Any advice from you moms out there? It is a little frightening to me when I add up how much "sleep" I am actually getting. How am I even functioning? Seriously. On the upside I usually wake up to this face! At least that makes the nights seem a little less horrible.


  1. What a dilemma! Well you can try what I did, but I know every baby is different. I started putting lincoln down while he was still awake and letting him cry it out. It was so hard but I would lay by his crib until he would calm down and fall asleep. It would take Lincoln about twenty minutes before he would calm down, but now he can be put in his crib and fall asleep by himself without being rocked. Good luck! that is tough. He is so adorable!!!

  2. I cannot even believe how big he is getting! AND how much he looks like Scott, wowza.

  3. How old is he again just over two months right? That is when Darla started not sleeping as well either. Britta, just do what ever works for you and for little Ben. Sometimes I would sleep with Darla on the couch with her laying on my chest, and now she sleeps well in her crib. I don't know. It is hard...but like the title of your post - it's all worth it.Good luck.


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