Monday, April 27, 2009

My "Big" Break!

How cool is this!! A photograph I took is on a billboard! And even better it is advertising the cutest swimsuits ever! Yeah for Lime Ricki!


  1. B! I saw this and thought it was yours! That is so freaking awesome! Congrats!!

  2. how did you get such a great pic of the billboard? you must have pulled the car over....I tried to snap one with my iPhone while driving 70 mph on the freeway (well, actually Jeff was driving and I was the passenger) and it didn't turn out so well. Do you mind if I "borrow" it and put it on our facebook page?

    oh, and by the way, we love our photographer in every way!

  3. I was going to ask you if this was yours. I have been down to Utah County a lot lately and I always see it.

    Conrats on having a picture larger than life size for all to see :)


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