Friday, July 17, 2009

lake powell

In spite of my digital tragedy I am going to post some lake powell highlights. Ben is quite the little road tripper. He took a snooze or two on the way. The last hour was a little torturous but isn't it always? Ben made a new best friend: Uncle Jason. Those two are inseparable! Ben will not go to anyone except for Scott and I without a fight, but the whole week he dragged Jason all over the boat and could care less where we were. It was a great break for us and a quick education for Jason about how exhausting toddlers are! The water was really cold when we were there so Ben only got all the way in a couple of times, but he loved to dip his toes in and splash in the water filled tote on the front of the houseboat. Ben woke us at 5:30 am every morning and promptly dragged us to the front of the boat to go and play on the beach. He got so frustrated when the lizards and ants ran away from him, but he satisfied himself with throwing rocks in the lake. We celebrated father's day with a pirate themed party! So funny. Everyone got all dressed up and everything. Ben loved driving the houseboat and ski boat. He would grab the wheel and spin it and make vroom sounds (video soon to come). Our ride home marked a new milestone. Our first MAJOR barf in the car. Yeah for us. We were pulling over to get some beef jerky and all of the sudden chocolate milk and orange gatorade explode from Ben's mouth! Keep in mind that we are miles from a service station or "town" in which to get assistance. So we have to beg the beef jerky salesman on the side of the road for water to try to clean up. He was an angel after he realized what we were up against he appeared at our car with clorox wipes of all things! Hallelujah for him! (Note to self: Always have cleaning supplies and a barf bag on hand.) We made it home with a pukey carseat that I had to dissasemble and reassemble. Fun.


  1. Britta, you are a BABE!

    Also, your kid is pretty cute.

  2. I'm so glad you didn't loose everything (picture wise). Still so sad though. It was so fun at the pool yesterday!! Thanks for letting us hang out with you and Ben!

  3. Looks like a fabulous lake powell trip...the barfing however...YUCK. I already miss baby spit up!

  4. I am SO sorry to hear about your digital loss - it's one of those things that you just have to stop thinking about or you'll just be angry all the time. In any case, the photos that you do have from Powell are fantastic. Makes me homesick because I know it was such a great week. I vow that someday we won't be ones so far away...can't wait to be involved in all this stuff all the time again.

    Also, I have to say that the xbox protege is a little alarming. I can't believe that Ben is that competent! Awesome pictures - those will make the baby book for sure!


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