Wednesday, November 10, 2010

nighttime horrors

sleep at my house is sacred. the schedule and routine are there for a reason. keep mommy sane. this past week ben has decided to throw all of that out the window. he does not want to take a nap and refuses to go to bed. his bedtime routine used to be 5 minutes long: change diaper, put on pjs, brush teeth, say prayers, turn on sounds, get tucked in, hug and kiss, and goodnight. the last few nights it has taken me 2 hours to get him to bed! and it has been a kicking, screaming, knock down drag out fight. complete with puking all over his bed one of the nights. awesome. oh and he thinks he needs to come and get in bed with me every night around 1:30 in the morning. did i mention that scott is on night shift right now so i am completely alone at bedtime with a screaming 2 and a half year old and 2 month old? so great. the question of the day is will i survive?


  1. it will get better! Mason did the same thing when Lily was around 2 months old. Luckily he stayed in his crib, but one of us would have to go lay by his bed almost every night! But that really does suck that you have to do it by yourself! It will get better :)

  2. Oh my gosh! It has to be something in the air because it is the same thing (okay not 2 hours or puking) But Megan has her routine and the last week or so it has been so much harder to get her to take a nap and go to bed!!! I blame the time change.....I hope!

  3. We are going through this right now. I feel for you. It started 5 weeks ago when the girls were born and the only person she wants is her mom. Heck to bad we don't live closer we could have a party in the middle of the night.

  4. We are going through this right now. I feel for you. It started 5 weeks ago when the girls were born and the only person she wants is her mom. Heck to bad we don't live closer we could have a party in the middle of the night.

  5. ughhhh, so sorry!! That is the worst. We must be related. Sleep is so precious...I am a mess without my solid 8 hours.

    Good luck...hopefully this stage passes quickly!

  6. What time do you "try" to get him to sleep? I'll take Cole so you don't have to worry about him too. Please call me!!!! Or I'll just come over.

  7. Oh man I am so with you! Luckily linc is doing great it's my six month old baby girl who is struggling... But Linc did have a week where he did the exact same thing Ben is doing, and this might be a stupid suggestion but it worked for linc. I started letting him choose two "downstairs" toys to take to bed with him. We also bought him a tiny little push button flash light that he loved turning on and off. Anyway thought I would mention it because it worked so well with me, but I know every kid is different:) Hope things start to turn around soon. I know how hard it is to try and function on no sleep;) My daughter slept through the night last night, first time in a while and my dog woke up at 4:30 and was sick and pooped all over my floor... Just can't win...


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