Saturday, April 9, 2022

30 weeks pregnant, struggling to rest

Sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet and make a call..
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Britta, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and make a call, especially when it's something you want in your life but you're finding it hard to justify.

I get it!

I remember when I decided to leave my corporate career and refocus on starting my own business. 

It was a massive call and super scary, but I really value my wellbeing and how it impacts on my family, so I know that putting myself first sometimes is the right thing to do.

Thank goodness I made that call - imagine if I was still working on the finer points of contract law instead of deciding whether to call my March project 'Coral Curves' or 'Lolly Scramble', ha!

So my point is, sometimes you just need to dive in, put yourself first and you'll reap the rewards!


Here's a quick recap of some of the benefits from joining our group:

  • Re-claim your 'me-time' 
  • Learn some awesome new skills
  • Make beautiful things that you can keep or gift to loved ones
  • Hang out with a group of wonderful like-minded women
  • Have a whole lot of fun crafting up a storm!

Just check out some of the transformations some of my Maker's Academy members have had:

"My first attempts! Oh the joy this is bringing me. Not just the end result but it brings back beautiful memories I have of doing stitching with my late Nan when I was a young girl. Im also 30 weeks pregnant with twins and struggle to rest, I'm finding this is making me sit, put my feet up and relax whilst still feeling like I'm accomplishing something! So glad I found this group!" - Hollie

"The reason I joined the Makers Academy was because I wanted to do something creative and didn't know where to start. So having something sent to me each month made it easy and is a great way to learn different crafts. It takes me away from my phone, it's for ME and gives me a lot of joy. Thank you for creating this group" - Dianne

"I have finally found something that gets me some mindfulness in my life! I have young kids at home so I am always rushing and never seemed to have meaningful time to myself. I really look forward to finding our what each months new project is and I always have so much fun creating. I am forever thankful to Clever Poppy for unleashing the inner maker in me!" - Catherine

Come join us, you'll love it.  I just know itOnly 8 hours to go....just saying xx.

Julie xx.

P.S. I'll be closing the doors to the Maker's Academy in just 8 hours so if you want in, sign up now.



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Clever Poppy Ltd
39 Woodside Ave Northcote, Auckland 0627

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