Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lake Powell Bruderer Style!

How could a trip to Lake Powell be bad, really? This year we had almost everyone there (Kara was on a senior trip and Adam was working. We missed them). We also had a fun-loving guest join us! My sister Kiersten!! Hooray! Kiersten and I sucessfully dragged Clark and Linda out of bed around 6:00 am. We tried to sleep in, but our grandpa has us trained that as soon as it is light you ski. Amber, Tom, Jason, and Scott were our wakeboarding experts. Scott also mastered the knee board. April, Davis, Kiersten, Linda, Clark and I headed up the slalom skiiers. We celebrated Father's Day at Powell this year. Happy Father's Day to Clark, Steve, and someday Scott! We did an excursion to Cathedral Canyon and Rainbow Bridge. We got to a section of Cathedral canyon that was really narrow. We managed to get the boat through and we found a cool swimming hole on the other side. Kiersten, Linda and I decided to push the boat back out!! Somehow this trip ended pirate themed again. Big surprise, seeing as I married the King of the Pirates. Davis was our most faithful pirate. Otherwise known as Capt. Cut and Jump. We played in lots of pirate games, including: Pirate of the Island, and Pirate's Dice. After somebody had an impressive run they received an "AAARRRRRGGGHH" with a pirate hook hand from the crew on board. Scott had some fun with facial hair. He started with a full beard and worked his way down to a sole patch by the end of the trip. We also got to test out an air chair while we were down there. It was hilarious to watch! The trip was full of good food, lots of sun, and laughs until our last day. That is when two engines died and Linda, Kiersten and I had to brave the channel during peak hours to go to the marina to get gas. Oh man. The water almost tore our boat apart and left us with sea legs for two days!


  1. Wow, Britta! I haven't read on your blog for a while. Awesome stuff. I love the Lake Powell pictures! You are so much better with archiving everything than I am. I know I say it all the time, but I really should try to get some of those pictures sometime. Beautiful slalom shots!

  2. Looks like an awesome trip! Scott's family seems so fun!


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