Thursday, December 4, 2008

Eternal Cry It Out . . .

I am sick to death of cry it out. I can't stand it any more. It isn't working for Ben anymore. He is just constantly hysterical. I am at a complete loss of what to do. Stick to my program, because once I change it I have ruined everything? Keep listening to Ben scream? Or find a new approach. Any suggestions from you veteran moms out there? HELP!!??!


  1. Oh Britta, I'm so sorry!! I FEEL your pain. Getting Graham to sleep on his own was torture.

    What exactly have you done so far? And for how long?

    I'm certainly no expert but I can share with you what we did with Graham.

    "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." I swear by this book...everything I've tried has worked. (Of course it took awhile and required me being super consistent)

  2. oh britta i am sorry...we are struggling too...what do we do?? maybe by kid #2 we'll know.

  3. Poor dears, I have the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." Wanna borrow it?? I stuck my guns to that, but I can't remember if that's what you've been trying. Scott needs to be with you 100% so when you can't stand it, he can help you stick to the "plan." Easier said then done...I remember how horrible it was and how many times I cried right along with Brynner.

  4. Oh, I am so sorry! The only advice I can give is that having a regular daytime and nighttime routine seems to really help with both of my girls. But, you're the only one who knows what Ben needs and what comforts him. Books are always good guides, but bottom line is that you know what's best for your baby. You can do it! My motto is : "You're a good mommy, even when we're all crying!"

  5. My advice - don't do the cry it out method. Not worth it. It's no wonder babies fall to sleep (sometimes) after they have been crying FOREVER - they are exhausted, they realize no one is coming to help them, so might as well go to sleep. I personally believe that eventually why it works, is because they know that crying isn't going to work - they know they are alone - all alone and mom/dad don't care. They may be babies, but they are people too. I know they have feelings and needs. They are individuals. What works for one DOES NOT work for all. Do what you need to do Britta. If that means rocking him to sleep every night and every nap go for it. Darla may not be sleeping through the night but she sleeps great. Why have kids if all we are worried about is still getting OUR sleep. Motherhood is about our CHILD/CHILDREN. I think we need to adapt to their schedules more that them adapting to ours. (can you tell I'm passionate about this?) Call me and we can chat (612-354-7518), or email me :) I know I don't have it all figured out - no one does though that is the funny part. Just do what you've got to do. What are Ben's patterns? How many naps does he take? Is he happy when he is awake? How long are his sleep stretches in the night? Love you. What a life right?

  6. Britta, remember your sanity as well! do what works for YOU and BEN. Everyone is different. I hope things start to get better soon.

    love you!

  7. You know I tried cry it out and it worked some of the time, but as he got older he would just scream and stand up in his crib, so we decided that we would just take the extra time and rock him to sleep for both naps and bedtime. I think that when he goes to sleep without being upset, he sleeps better, but that's just me. The only draw back to this is that at times if he wakes up at night and is upset enough we have to get him up and rock him to sleep again. It doesn't happen that often but if can be hard when he does...I don't know sleeping habits are crazy with these kiddies!

  8. Go buy the book "On becoming baby wise". I have 4 kids and everyone of them was sleeping through the night by 8 weeks. It's super important to get your rest and frankly your baby needs sleep too.

    I know I don't know you, but stumbled across your blog and I felt your pain. Try the book and you'll swear by it forever. Good luck!

    Love, a concerned mommy


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