Monday, April 27, 2009

helping daddy

Today we finally installed blackout blinds in Ben's room. It is too light when he goes to bed and he is finding the need to wake up with the sun, which is much too early for his mommy. Ben loved to help daddy install the blinds. He learned how to use his first power drill (under strict adult supervision!). He loved to hand daddy the things that he needed. He got a bit too jealous that daddy got to look out the window at all the dogs and cars and he didn't. Don't worry he got his chance! If he had it his way. He would stay in front of the window all day long. He points to everything and grunts and then looks at me to tell him what it is.


  1. Darn it, he's so cute! Ben's pretty cute too! LOL!
    You're in print!! Congrats Britta!

  2. this picture looks like it was taken by a professional photographer or something


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