Thursday, October 14, 2010

poop poop poop

 cabin fever has set in again. i decided that today was the day to get out. i had big plans to go to on a walk and then go to the library. sadly my boys had other plans. my darling husband let me sleep for a couple of hours when he got home from work which was divine. i woke up feeling ready to go on some adventures. my plan was to feed cole and then get us all dressed and go to the park. halfway through feeding cole i noticed his jammies were wet. not unusual for cole. (he can leak through a diaper in a hour. i have never seen a newborn pee so much!) so i went upstairs to change his diaper and clothes. however, i discovered the source of the wetness to be poop. ug. he had bright yellow poop all the way up his back and in the process of trying to de-poop him he ended up with poop up to his shoulder blades. i knew i had to bathe cole and fast. so after he was semi-cleaned up i ran into the bathroom to get a towel to wrap him in until i could get his bath set up. i wrapped him up took two steps towards the bathroom and . . . cole pooped again!!! big time. all over in his towel. awesome. by now ben who had been in the basement watching mickey mouse clubhouse (for the zillionth time. arg.) realized i had been gone too long. so he came wandering up the stairs screaming for me. when he realized that cole was going to get a bath he wanted in too. ben was such a great big brother in the tub. he was very soft and made sure cole stayed warm by pouring water on his tummy. so the worst was over right? nope. i got cole out of the bath, moved his bathtub out of the way and spotted a small brown object floating in the tub. more poop! ben pooped in the tub! gross. so i had to get ben out asap. then both boys started screaming. cole was cold and ben wanted his "cozy" (towel) wrapped around him just right. so i got a diaper on ben, and lotioned and dressed cole. then cole screamed the whole time i was dressing ben. i picked up cole to console him and he proceeded to barf all down the front my clean shirt. that's it. i give up. we are staying home today. that was enough of an adventure!
fake temper tantrum
how do you not love a kid in a hooded towel?


  1. I love reading your adventures of two. Isn't it crazy? Cole is beautiful. More than anything - right after Bennett was born, I remember feeling that someone was always crying - darla, bennet, or me. :) Way to go Britta. You're a wonderful mom.

  2. Oh my gosh, I feel so bad, but I'm totally laughing. I know just how you feel!! You're a total stud, Britta. And one day, I promise, you won't have quite as much poop in your life. (hold onto that for now!)

  3. There you go, next time Ben does the poop dance just put him in the tub! It's funny reading it and glad it didn't happen to me! :)


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