Monday, January 14, 2008

2 Months to Go!

How am I already seven months pregnant!!! Wow. The last two months are going to FLY by, and I am really really not ready. We still haven't painted the baby furniture. Therefore the baby's room is not done at all. Yikes. We still haven't purchased a lot of essential baby care stuff and I am starting to get overwhelmed! But at least I have a belly!
So here is a funny story for me to tell the munchkin later in life. So this baby is incredibly active. My ribs and organs hurt all the time because he beats the crap out of them. This week I overdid it a little bit with work and household chores and stuff. Then baby's movements changed. He started to move very very softly and not as much which scared me to death. I spent Saturday and Sunday morning crying because I was sure there was something wrong with him. I finally gave in and called the OB/GYN on call. He told me to go and drink some OJ, lie down on my side and count the baby's movements for an hour. If I didn't feel 8 movements within the hour then I should call him back. So tearfully I laid down, with Scott by my side. We counted kicks for a whole hour. When we added them up, we had 68 movements within an hour. I will chalk this one up to first time paranoid mom!


  1. I'm sure that was super scary! I'm glad your little guy is healthy and I hope as he gets bigger, he'll stop having so much room to kick you as hard!

  2. Love all the new posts and the new look for the blog. It was so good to see you so much over the last month! I'm still sad I didn't get to see Scott.
    Don't worry about being aren't alone!
    Can't wait for that little boy to get here and to see what he looks like!

  3. I still freak out on those days when the baby quiets down, and this is my 3rd! It is such a scary feeling when you know your baby is acting differently than usual!

  4. Oh Britta, I totally know the feeling! You've already got those maternal instincts!
    Hey, you've got such a cute baby belly. You're ALL baby!
    And from my experience, the end doesn't go as quickly as you thought/hoped it would. You'll somehow find the time to get things done. Besides, the most important work is what you're doing by carrying that little guy around 24/7!! You're doing some hard work...rewards yourself!


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