Friday, January 25, 2008

Biggest Pregnancy Pet Peeve

So I am SO SICK of the phrase "Just wait, it only gets worse!" Just about every mom I talk to tells me how horrible labor and delivery are and then how irreversibly altered your life is after the baby. Why do people keep having kids if it is so awful! Maybe I am crazy, naive, and dumb for being excited about being pregnant and adding a little one to our family! Just let me be happy!


  1. i used to hate when people would say that to me as that i've had graham...i think i understand why people would say things like was their way of preparing me for how challenging and hard motherhood is. With that said, I still don't think anyone can prepare you for how truly wonderful it is and how truly difficult it is.

    Just because it is irreversibly altered doesn't mean it is bad....just takes some adapting. I never knew how selfish I was until I had a baby! :)

    I'm excited for you boy Bruderer is lucky to have such a great mommy.

    (as I type this graham is babbling and squealing away....the best sounds in the world!)

  2. Sister,

    Well as you know I know NOTHING about pregnancy (except for my first child that I gave up for adoption). But I know how much crap you get because I have heard mother and others talking to you. I'm sure birth and having a child is one of the most trying experiences, however, despite all the hardships and struggles you go through look at what you gain! You gain a new little baby that is part of you, knowledge, experience, memories, and much more. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. You are an amazing woman and have accomplished so much. You are going to be an amazing mom and example to your child. Life within the next couple months will get pretty crazy but you have a loving family and Father in Heaven that are here with you through it all! I love you and look up to you more than you know! Don't get discouraged and keep on keepin on!


  3. Seriously! I'll tell you every day at work "just wait, it only gets better!" Cute new logo by the way!

  4. Don't let The Man get you down! :)

  5. You need to start turning to those people and saying, "Are you serious? I am SUPER good at taking care of my dolls, so I'm not too worried about this." :)

  6. Forget 'em B!

    You are going to love it! And I'll come rescue you whenever you want...and I can afford!

    Lof you!

  7. Britta,
    I totally agree with you. I heard that some phrase all the time and I still do. It never stops!

  8. I so agree with you. Guess what it doesn't stop!


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