Saturday, April 3, 2010

BIG news!!

Can you believe it? Our family is growing! We are expecting another bundle of joy (and energy) September 25, 2010. I am so excited, which surprises me. I didn't know if I would ever be brave enough to have another one after Ben. He has been wonderfully hard. But I can't wait. It feels right, which shocks me. I thought I would have constant, "What am I doing?" moments. Don't get me wrong those moments do come. Usually it is when Ben is in the middle of a full scale temper tantrum or having a day when he literally has to be carried everywhere. But this new baby will be good for all of us. The hardest part right now is not knowing if it is a boy or a girl. I am really feeling like it is a girl, but who knows?!


  1. Congratulations! What happy news! And I'm so glad that you feel so excited! :)

  2. I'm glad it's out in the open! Hooray!

  3. wahoo! we're hoping for a girl for the Bruderers!

  4. Awesome news Britta, we're thrilled for you!

  5. Yippee!! Congrats! My Mom always says (and I can attest to it's truth) that two is easier than one. I'm so glad you're excited and happy!

  6. Ha, I have been thinking you were pregnant. Just a feeling.
    Congratulations! I hope you are feeling good, are you past the morning sickness part yet?

  7. Britta congrats! That is exciting! I bet ben will be a great big brother! I hope you are feeling well and that things go really smoothly! Laters :)

  8. Congrats! We are so happy for you guys!!


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