Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Miracle of miracles Benjamin still adores his baby brother! He loves to hold him, but as soon as Cole cries Ben will push him off gently and say, "Cole go take a sleep." Ben loves to hold his hand and find all of Cole's body parts. Ben is a pro at giving Cole his binki. Let's hope this trend stays. I was so worried that Ben would be super jealous and resentful of a new little creature taking up valuable attention time, but he has been great!


  1. Oh my goodness I just LOVE them!! I am so happy I was there for a few days to enjoy little Cole as a new born. He is such a cutie I could hold him forever, and Ben is SO much fun to play with!

  2. This is so cute! And Ben smiling like that looks so much like you :)

  3. Happy news! What cute pictures Britta!

  4. Can I just say, Ben looks EXACTLY like you in this picture, Britta!! Cheesy grin and all :)


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