Saturday, September 18, 2010


Coleson Scott Bruderer
September 14, 2010
7 lbs. 0 oz.
19 inches

Cole has been thinking and trying to come for over two months now. I started having serious contractions during week 29 of my pregnancy. I ended up spending a night in labor and delivery trying to stop them. Ever since then it was normal for me to have regular contractions for hours at a time. By the time I got to 38 weeks my doctor and I thought enough was enough. On Monday he stripped my membranes hoping that would speed up the labor process. He told me to do anything I could to have just one contraction on Tuesday morning and come into the hospital at 9:00 am. He was the doctor on call and he was not going to send me home. I started contracting Monday night around 11:00 pm, but I decided to ride them out till morning so that I could sleep one more night and so I wouldn't be in labor in the middle of the night. In the morning I was still having contractions, they weren't as bad as other contractions I had had during this pregnancy. But I was done being pregnant and my doctor told me to come in a nine no matter what. So we went to the hospital. I went into a triage room to get checked out. The nurse said I was a 4, but she could stretch me to a five. After she did that my contractions picked up. My nurse said they would keep me. I told her that my doctor wouldn't let her send me home. She knew my doc was out in the hall so she decided to mess with him. As soon as she walked out into the hall all my doc said was, "Admit her." The nurse said, "I don't know, she just isn't contracting or progressing." He said, "Too bad. Admit her." She told him she was just joking and that she was admitting me. Once I was in the delivery room they weren't sure when the anesthesiologist could come in to do my epidural because there was a scheduled c-section that he had to do. But lucky me he ate his lunch fast and he came in and did it before the c-section. So I never even had painful contractions before I had my epidural! I went numb and sat there happy as a clam watching movies (What Happens in Vegas and Failure to Launch). My wonderful photographer friend Logan Walker came to photographall the excitement. About an hour and a half later I noticed I could move my legs and toes. I thought, "That's weird." But I wasn't feeling any pain and I was barely feeling pressure so I didn't say anything. (I found out later that my epidural had indeed become detached at some point. Awesome. Shortly after that I started feeling crazy pressure. So I called my nurse. She checked me and said, " Oh! You are there! Let's start pushing!" She was running around trying to find the doctor, meanwhile I swear Cole was going to go fall out! I was a little panicked. The nurse came in and we did one round of practice pushed through one contraction, then the nurse ran out to get the doctor. My mom and Ben snuck in to say hi really quick and then they went behind the curtain to wait. Dr. Hutchison came in and I pushed five time and Cole was out! Seriously, it was less than five minutes. Crazy! Ben and my mom came in shortly after. Ben was saying, "Baby cry-ning." The first thing he said about Cole was, "Baby has a weenie!" Leave it to my boy to point out the man parts. Ben fell in love just as quickly as the rest of us with Cole. All he wanted to do was sit on the bed with me and Cole and point out Cole's body parts. He kept saying, "He kinda cute!" Ben and I rode in matching wheelchairs to recovery. He had to have his garbage truck (Cole gave him the garbage truck as a peace offering) on his lap the whole time.We had the hardest time deciding on Cole's name. With Ben I just instantly knew what his name was. With Cole I was clueless. We were debating between William and Coleson for a few days. But we had to have a name on the birth certificate before we left for the hospital. It is safe to say that we were agonizing over which name to go with. So literally as we were walking out the door we still hadn't filled out the form. We looked at Ben and said, "Ben, what is that baby's name?" And very matter of factly he said, "He name is Coleson." Scott and I were stunned! We had talked about Cole and Will but never Coleson with him. So Coleson he is!


  1. Gah! What a tease! I need more!

    What a sweet baby! I love love love those wrinkly feet, too. Just beautiful! Congrats again!

  2. He is SO darling!!!! I want to snuggle him right this second!

    Lof you!

  3. YAY!!!! Congratulations! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Ben can come out and play with Daphne in the mornings if that would help at all. I know Daphne and Joseph would love it!

  4. Coleson! I love it. Can't wait to see him! :)

  5. Congratulations Britta! He is beautiful. I guess it is a good thing we postponed our lunch date :)

    Love the name too!


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