Thursday, April 14, 2011

7 months!

 I almost had a full blown panic attack when I realized that today was April 14. That means Cole is officially 7 months old! What?! Seven months is the saddest milestone for me because that means he is closer to one than he is to his birth. He is growing up so so fast!
 Sadly, he has been having a rough time sleeping lately for whatever reason: growth spurt, teething, constipation, who knows. He is still happy as ever all the time. He got hold of an asparagus spear the other day and he literally chewed it to shreds. He absolutely loved it. He was so mad when I had to take it away because it became a choking hazard.
 Poor Cole has had his first experience with suppositories. Just like mom and big brother, pooping is a problem. So not fun for anybody.
Since he is getting so big we had to move his crib mattress down. I hate watching his crib go down. One more sign that he is growing up way too fast.



  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! CAN HE GET ANY CUTER! I agree with Meg, he is the cutest thing of my life for sure! I'm glad I can live life through you and your boys! I love seeing them grow up and seeing how stinking adorable they are!!! I am in love with that little boy! His little hat is so SO precious!

  3. PS I agree with his shirt, he is the coolest kid ever!

  4. What a big boy! He is growing up so fast! And i LOVE his mobile above the crib! I bet you made it??

  5. What a little sweetie. I love the asparagus story too. I really loved hearing your mom and my dad talk about Cole while we were in Boston. I can't wait to see him in Lake Powell.


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