Saturday, April 9, 2011

my roley poley coley oley

 Mr. Grabby. That is Cole. Holding him is impossible because he is always lunging for things and throwing his entire body weight (which is a lot) into getting what he wants. He would much rather play on the floor with toys as opposed to being held. When I do hold him the only thing to grab is hair, and lets face it, I need to keep that.
 He adores oranges and pickles. He says "da da da da" and an occasional "hi." Why can babies not say "ma ma ma ma" first?
 Cole is a bottomless pit. He eats and eats and eats. Seriously. If you are eating something and he doesn't get a taste, watch out. He gets so so so mad. He will eat anything and everything. He loves his baby food, nasty green stuff included. If you can eat it. He is all about it.
 He is thinking really hard about figuring out how to crawl. He gets himself over onto his hands but usually looses focus due to a toy on the floor and then he topples over.

 Could he be any sunnier? He is always sunshine and smiles. He makes my day every day!
Lucky us there is still A LOT of brotherly love at our house. Sometimes a little too rough, but I guess love is love.


  1. WHY are Ben's toe nails painted!!! Bahaha I just laughed so hard!!! And the pictures of Cole are adorable! I want to squeeze that little bugger! I LOVE him!

  2. He found my nail polish while I was getting ready and begged me to paint his toes AND fingers. He chose the bright pink. I suggested a more subtle color.

  3. That second image is blowing my mind. Put that in his room!

  4. Hahah! I didn't even notice the toes until I read Chicken's comment. Such cute boys! Can't wait to have play dates!


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