Friday, April 1, 2011

sunshine day . . .

Today was one of those rare days when everything feels right, and good, and real. The boys and I went for a run in the jog stroller.  It was so warm I even wore shorts and a tank top! Heaven. We stopped to throw rocks in the lake. As I was sitting there snuggling Cole and watching Ben I had a moment of clarity when I realized how good life is, not just life, but my life. This was a monumental breakthrough for me. I waste so much energy comparing my life to what I think everyone else's life is. I very rarely look at my own life as say, "Wow, this is great." Usually, I think, "Ugh. Not good enough." But today I saw it for what it was. A beautiful, sun shiny day with handsome lovable boys and the opportunity to spend every waking moment loving them. Too bad every day isn't a sunshine day.

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