Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

 Ben was so happy that the Easter Bunny found our house. Cole was just happy to be there.  Ben ran around like a crazy hunting all the eggs. He loved that there were so many. As usual the Easter Bunny overestimated. Oh well. They were happy.
 Oh look! Ben is being such a nice brother and showing Cole his basket. Oh how sweet!
 The moment passed. Back to torturing his brother. Poor Cole.
 Of course Ben hoarded all the Easter eggs. He claimed that his dump truck needed them.
 Cole loved his rattle toy the Easter Bunny brought him. It giggles when you move the ring part. He thinks it is hilarious.
 However the Easter grass was just too irresistible. He puts everything in his mouth. Obviously.
 Check out that dump truck!!
 Yeah, so I tried to take some cute pictures of the boys in their Easter outfits after church. Ben was NOT down. Cole tried to calm him down.
 It worked for 1/2 second. Then Ben pulled him over. Then everybody was crying!
 We went to Great Grandma Fowler's house for a delicious Easter dinner prepared by Aunt April.
 Then we had another Easter egg hunt with our cousins! Luckily, these eggs had toys and not more sugar. Whew. We had a sugar overload.
 Uncle Grant, Jason and Scott hid the eggs. Some were up in the trees!
 Oh little Weston. How he melts me. He couldn't figure out what was inside his eggs.

Miss Adri.
Miss Sally.
 Mr. Calvin. Oh my. LOVE this boy.
 Happy Coley with his daddy.
Great Grandma Fowler and all the great grandkids.


  1. LOVE IT!! They are such cute brothers! I love the one where ben is putting the grass on Cole's head and then when Cole eats the grass. I really love the one of Cole trying to calm ben down. And I now know where Ben gets his squinty eye no teeth smile, the one of him and scott!!! Be n always is doing that smile/face as if he always thinks he needs to be smiling and having a good time. I love the one with grandma fowler and the kids! AWESOME PIC (Ben's face is classic)! I LOVE all of it!!

  2. PS the girls are HUGE!! They have grown up so fast! Such cuties!


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