Monday, January 16, 2012

I believe . . .

The theme in church on Sunday was reading the scriptures. In her talk, Sister Campbell talked about how her three year old came home from school and had the Pledge of Allegiance memorized. She thought to herself, "If she can memorize the Pledge of Allegiance certainly she can memorize the Articles of Faith." What an awesome thing to have locked in your brain from the time you are three years old. You will always know exactly what you believe and what you stand for as a member of this Church. So I decided to start working on them with Ben. After Church I explained what the Articles of Faith are and why they are important and how we were going to learn them. We recited the First Article of Faith a few times and then his eyes lit up and he said,"Mom! I know what I believe!" I thought to myself, "Here it is!! A parenting pay off moment! I taught him something! Something important and good! Yay for me!" And then he said, "I believe in monster trucks. Big monster trucks." Oh. Not what I was expecting at all. But progress perhaps?

(This picture was taken while Ben was playing Super Man with his Daddy."


  1. LOVE this picture, and this story. Seriously, that picture is absolutely amazing the way you captured Ben. I just imagine him looking like that running to Christ.


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