Saturday, January 7, 2012

LA Trip

How can you not love LA? Especially in the morning, when the fog is lingering, and it is slightly chilly, but you are standing on the roof of a parking garage about to enter the bowels of the fabric district!!!!! Heaven!

 Of course this wouldn't have been a proper adventure at all without my bestie Megsie!!! I am sure people thought we were freaks standing of the top of the parking garage taking pictures of almost the same thing and switching back and forth between our "big guns" and our iPhones taking pictures. We are definitely nerds.
 The sheer amount of fabric is totally overwhelming. I felt like I could drown in it and nobody would ever find me.
 Oh Michael Levine's!! What a nice break. Everything is organized properly and I could actually find stuff! There was still a TON of stuff there too! I found fabric for quilts for my boys! So happy! Sadly no curtain fabric. Boo.
We planned to eat at this charming French Garden restaurant, but they didn't open until 2 pm!! After diving in and out of fabric stores for hours we were starving!!

So we opted for one of my favorite touristy stops: Olvera Street!
 I love everything about Olvera Street: the buildings, the dancers, the people, the food, the vendors. It is like a mini trip to Mexico!

 Yeah, we got in trouble for this picture. Apparently, you can't take pictures in it unless you buy it. Oops! Oh well we got a picture of my sister in the Nacho Libre mask anyway.

 Aren't we so cute?
 My mom and sister came and met us for our fabric district / Olvera Street adventure.  They just laughed at how nerdy we were.

 Just across the street from Olvera Street is one of my very favorite places in the whole wide world!
Union Station!! It feels like you step back in time when you go here. Back to a time when travel was luxurious and you didn't feel like cattle. Traveling was an experience. Some day I want to go there and just photograph for a whole day.

Kiersten and my mom were wiped out. They haven't been on a Megan and Britta adventure before. After this we stopped by Beard Papa's in Little Tokyo for creme puffs. Yum - o!
 The main event of this adventure to LA was the Rose Bowl Flea Market!

 We were so not prepared for the amount of stuff that was there. I think we walked around in a daze for the first two hours. Then we got our feet under us and started making a game plan for working our way through the maze of tents.
 I really really wanted to take home all the succulents and orchids, but decided against it because traveling wouldn't be so nice to them.
The highlight of the day was that we got to meet Emily Henderson in person!! Her awesome assistant Orlando took the picture for us! She is a designer on HGTV and the main reason we made this trip is because she always talks about how awesome it is! She was right! Megan and I were totally starstruck! But she was so nice and talkative. I loved chatting with her!

Other trip adventures:
My poor little lips have been struggling this winter so I have become a chap stick addict. The sad part is that they were not getting any better, in fact they felt almost worse. I wake up the morning I am leaving for LA and my lips are killing me! I look in the mirror and almost pass out! I look like a botox job gone incredibly wrong. I mean my lips look like Hitch and they HURT. So against Scott's counsel (He thought that,"It didn't look that bad and it would get better on its own"), I dropped my boys off at my neighbors house and rushed to instacare. Sure enough I was having a MAJOR allergic reaction to something most likely in my chap stick. They put me on steroids and two types of anti-histamines. Fortunately they worked quickly so I didn't look so scary when I boarded the plane. I flew into Vegas and Megan picked me up and we headed to LA! We ate at the most delicious Vietnamese restaurant ever that night. It was called 9021-Pho. So so so good. I am still dreaming about it. The next day we hit the fabric district, Olvera Street, Union Station, and Little Tokyo. That night we had tamales with Megan's parents and the missionaries. It was entertaining. One of the elders was convinced he was "fat" while his companion was skinny as a rail and claimed to have already gained 40 pounds in the few months he had been out. Claudia, Megan's mom, did a quilting show for me after dinner and gave me lots and lots of awesome tips and tricks. The next day was the Rose Bowl!! It was so awesome. We were definitely newbies and had NO idea what we were doing but now we know what to do for next year! After the Rose Bowl we drove to Loma Linda to have dinner with my mom and sister. Then we drove back to Vegas! The whole way back to Vegas Megan and I kept talking about how much fun we had and how much stuff we did. We loved every second of it, but we both admitted that we definitely could not get up and do another adventure like that the next day. The next day we went to an awesome quilt store, and shopped a bit before I needed to get to the airport. I love being a mom, but I love getting a weekend to myself to feel like I am a person too. This needs to be a yearly tradition!

Road Trip Quotes:
"I love boobs!!" - Britta
"Well not really naked. As naked as a Mormon gets." - Megan
"He looks like a toad with hair." - Megan
"You are not Lehi. We don't all follow your dreams." - Megan
"We're like BAM! Britta and Megan!" - Megan

"Just saying . . ." it was a great trip!


  1. It was such a wonderful trip!! Thank you for coming with me!!

    And how is it that most of those quotes are mine?! do I really say that many embarrassing things?

  2. LOVE this, and I love the picture of Megs, it captures her in her best. When I look at that picture, it defines her, happy, fun, loving, joy, hilarious, and amazing. Just saying...and who is that psycho Nacho? Weirdo...Thanks for letting us tag along!


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