Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh Benjamin . . .

Grandpa Wayne refers to Ben as a budding little attorney. I am pretty sure he is onto something. Ben has an argument for everything and they usually go something like this:

Me: "Ben it is time for bed."
Ben: "I know. I know. I know Mom, but I am just a little and I am curious about lots of things, like shows."
Me: "Ben it is dark and late. Time for bed. No more shows."
Ben: "Here's the deal Mom. One more show and then I go to bed."
Me: "No Ben. Time for bed."
Ben: "Mom! I have a great idea!!! How about I sleep for couple minutes and then I wake up and watch a show?"
Me: "Ben, time for bed. You can watch a show in the morning when the sun comes up, but right now it is time for bed."
Ben: "I know. I know. I know Mom, but I am not tired. See? I have lots of NG (energy)!"

Oh boy. What a kid.

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