Thursday, January 13, 2011

4 months old!

how did this happen? how did he get so big? and so so darling? i adore him!
 some of cole's nicknames:
cole - i - oli - ravioli (this is ben's favorite, sometimes he just calls him ravioli)
cole bear
c bear
favorite things:
loves being swaddled
loves chewing on everything (but not so much his binky)
loves his lion toy
sleeping through the night (my favorite)
tubby time
twinkle, twinkle little star
i am the duke of york
patty cake
peek a boo
The best way to describe Cole is a chubby ball of sunshine. He is always so smiley and happy. He giggles and coos at the slightest glance or funny face. When he is tired he does this sad little fake scream and all I have to do is swaddle him up give him binky and rock him for 2 seconds and he is out for the count. Sleeping time is the only time he will take his binky and even then he sucks on it for a minute and then he is done. I love this baby. He is so sweet and cuddly. He loves to just snuggle into my face when I hold him. Melts my heart.


  1. My Gosh Britta. Ridiculous! He's so cute I might puke.

  2. I LOVE HIM! When do I get to meet him?!!?

  3. Oh, he's so cute. I'm glad I got to see him over Christmas.

  4. I just want to eat those chubby thighs!

  5. Oh Britta, he is so sweet and adorable! Sounds like you are enjoying his sweetness!

  6. Love him! He looks so darling. I miss you! I don't know if you got my email, but I'm having a boy too! I'm so glad you got a good sleeper this time around! -Shari


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