Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ski Trip!

 It is becoming a tradition to take Ben skiing on his birthday. He loves it! He wants to go all the time. He usually skis and skis until he literally falls asleep on his feet. This trip was no exception. This time we went on Daddy's day off so he got to come! Cole hung out in the lodge with Great Grandma Myrna while the rest of us hit the slopes.
 What a cute group of skiiers!

Skiing!! from Britta Bruderer on Vimeo.
Look at him go! Ben liked to "jump" the best. He would get a good 1/2 inch off the ground, but he was convinced he was jumping so high!!
Me and Ben with Great Grandpa Duane. Last time he went skiing Cole and I were sick so I wasn't there. He only wanted grandpa Duane to take him down the mountain that day. But today he was a bit attached to mom (like always). So I told him that Grandpa Duane is the fastest skier on the mountain, which is the absolute truth. So he decided to go with Grandpa. Sure enough my grandpa just pointed his skis straight down the mountain and they went fast "like a jet." At the bottom of the mountain he said, "I went with Gwumpa I make him so happy!" Yes, yes you did Ben.
 Hot chocolate break!!
Yes, that is Ben in Cole's car seat. We didn't have another place to put him that was "comfortable."

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