Thursday, August 25, 2011

11 months old!

Another month has come and gone and once again we were at Lake Powell. Lucky us! Cole has turned into a real Powell baby. I couldn't keep him out of the sand and water. He loved the boat when it was moving, but was not okay sitting around in his life jacket.
Cole is obsessed with books. Any kind of book: board books, magazines, novels, etc. If it opens and closes and has pages; he wants it.
He officially says: "mama," "dada", and "dow" or "daw" for dog. He will roar like a lion, and say "vvrroooom" when he drives cars on the ground. Cars have become a very recent discovery. He has figured out how to crawl and push them along at the same time. Yesterday was the first time he tested out a walking push toy thing. Now he won't stop. Ben loves it because he finally has someone to race! They race back and forth across the living room all day. There has been a little jealousy over the grocery cart push toy. Ben thinks he is attached. Cole really really wants it because there is a shopping list on it that flips back and forth like a book.
Is that the beginnings of some curls? Oh please, please say it is true!
These two shots were taken back to back. Yes he is snuggling my leg! He is such a tender, sweet, snuggly guy. So so easy to love.
Cole's favorite part of Powell may have been his own personal swimming pool. This tote normally sits on the front of the houseboat for people to wash off their feet before coming back in from the sandy beach. Cole used it as his personal splash pool. We did use it for baths too.

I can't even tell you how often Cole makes this face. The best part is that it has a sound that goes with it. He sucks in his breath and says, "OOOOHHHHHHH!!" It is so dang cute!! He does it every time he gets excited about something. Which is pretty much all the time: whenever I pull food out of the fridge, every time he sees a dog, whenever he opens a book, when he sees a car go by, etc.
This is so typical of Cole. He loves to give loves. He always has a hug and a kiss for me. If he hasn't seen us for two minutes he lets us know how much he missed us with one of these sweet cuddles.
We love you little man!!


  1. Ok...can he be any cuter!!! He is such a little ball of love and sunshine!!! I can't wait to play with that little bugger!! It kills me being away from him!!!

  2. SO PRECIOUS!!!! I am dying from cuteness overload!


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