Friday, August 5, 2011

singin' in the rain

 On Monday there was a torrential downpour. What did Ben want to do? Go outside and stomp in the puddles of course!! I have never seen him get dressed so fast. He wouldn't let me find a jacket that fit. He found his old "raincoat" from the DI that we took camping two years ago and demanded that is the one he wanted.

 He loves wearing his rain boots in all kinds of weather, so why not test them out in the rain? As you can see he had them completely filled up with water in no time.

 He begged and begged me to come out with him. It was one of those times as a mom when I said to myself, "I don't really want to get soaking wet and cold, but I don't want to miss making a memory with Ben." So I threw on my rain boots and the gigantic rain coat that Scott took on his mission and tromped through puddles with Ben. We splashed through all the gutters, jumped in all the puddles and sang, "singin in the rain." Pretty great day. Cold and wet, but so fun!
Here are some other fun Ben factoids:
He always says, "I gotta tell you. . ." before he tells any story.
He calls escalators and elevators "elle-gators."
He loves Cheetos and chocolate milk.
His favorite Disney show is "Special Agent Oso." He sings the theme song like this, "Special Agent Oso, the nique stuffed can." It is supposed to go,"Special Agent Oso, the unique stuffed bear!"
I think he has memorized the book, "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear."
No matter what time he goes to bed he is always up at 7:00 am or earlier. And usually doesn't take a nap. This kid is go go go all day long from sun up to way after sundown. I need preschool more than he does.
He loves to wrestle all the time.


  1. Wow!! You are such a good mom and you make it look like two boys are so easy! I guess it doesn't hurt when they are so cute!!!

  2. I LOVE this post, you are the best mom ever!! The last picture is so awesome and so cute!


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