Thursday, August 4, 2011

my little pirates

 How cute are these two? I realize that I am completely bias, but come on! Here is a warning. This post contains A LOT of pirate pictures. Why? Because I just couldn't resist. There are too many that I adore. It is rough being a mommy photographer because I take so many picture of my kids and I can never narrow them down like I can for other people because these are my kids and I am emotionally attached to all of them.
 Captain Ben had to wear his entire pirate get-up for the rest of our Lake Powell trip. The pirate map and his hook were particularly important.

 However, how can a pirate navigate without his trusty telescope?

 Check out the authentic pirate battle wound on his arm!

 He can be kinda scary. He takes pirating very very seriously.

 Cole-io had the cutest pirate bum on board!! Sadly he wasn't such a fan of his pirate hat.

1 comment:

  1. YES! I love these little boys! Cole is just a little ball of love, that first picture is so cute of both of them, they are two different boys, I love it. I love all the ones of Ben with his eye patch, for his "broken eye," and I LOVE the one of him pointing his hook right at the camera, classic ben face, so intense. Very cute, I just wanna squeeze those boys to death!


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