Friday, September 9, 2011

lake powell again!!

 How spoiled are we? Pretty darn! Two full weeks at Lake Powell this year. What a perfect summer! Warning: There are a lot of pictures in the post simply because I ran out of energy trying to narrow them down. So enjoy every second of our trip!
 Ben was our fearless beach explorer. He loved to go on hunts for bugs. His bug capturing ventures were not so successful. But Uncle Davis and daddy helped him catch . . .
 A FROG! Can you believe it? I was shocked that Ben kept picking it up. I thought he would be terrified of it. But no way! He loved picking him up and showing him off.

 We made a makeshift terrarium for him out of a tote. Ben loved filling it up with dirt and rocks and water for the "little fehwa" (little fellow). The only problem was that this frog had some serious hops! He kept hopping out! Ben would run around trying to catch him screaming, "Escape! Escape! Help me!" Uncle Davis or Daddy would rush to the rescue and pull the poor little frog out of his hiding place under a log. We eventually convinced Ben that the frog needed to go find his mommy and the frog was released unharmed. Although, the emotional stress may be irreversible.
 Grandma and Grandpa Bruderer brought squirt guns for us to play with! Ben thought it was hilarious to shoot everyone, all the time.
 Cole loved playing on the beach in the sand. Which was usually followed by his other favorite activity: a bath.

 Dingy rides are Ben's favorite part of Lake Powell. We had a couple this year so Grandpa Clark got in on the fun too!

 The newest addition to our houseboat this year was two kayaks! So much fun! Lots of adventures were had aboard these vessels. Scott took Sally to Mermaid Island and Ben raced his cousins, with the help of Aunts and Uncles.
 Cole didn't make it out to the lake in a kayak, but he enjoyed them on the shore.

 Everybody got in on the fishing action this year. Sally and Steve caught a very large bluegill.
 Scott and Jason and Ben reeled in quite a few more bluegills and a baby striper.

Ben of course had to hold his fish. Poor fish. I kept trying to explain to him that the fish needed to stay in the water or he would die, but he just wanted to love him.
 He wanted me to have a turn holding the fish too. I declined.

 We filled this whole tote up with fish!
 Ben decided they looked hungry. So he fed them some dirt. We released all the fish back to their natural habit, hopefully mostly alive.
 I asked Ben to give me his best Lake Powell smile. Yup. That is it. Awesome right?
 A trip to Lake Powell wouldn't be a trip to Lake Powell without a few misadventures along the way. This year we backed up over the wakeboard rope. Oops. So Linda and Davis to the rescue! Our fearless scuba divers attempted Clark's makeshift oxygen line, but sadly it had a leak in it.
 But never fear!! Our stalwart divers used everything fro pliers to kitchen knives to free the rope and were successful. The boat was up and running in no time.

 Oh little Coley. What a guy. He loved to drive the boat and shake his booty too.

 I can't even tell you what a Cole face this is. He makes this face all the time! I love it!
 This is his, "I am way too tired for this, mom" face.
 This picture proves that I should probably be last in line for a Mother of the Year Award. Firstly, because my child is playing with an electrical outlet. Secondly, I am obviously watching him do it because I am photographing it. Way to go me. He loves outlets. All of our at home are plugged, so whenever he finds and empty one, you can bet he is jamming his fingers in it.

 Cole was not a fan of his life jacket unless he was on the ski boat and it was moving . . . fast. So to avoid the life jacket we spend a lot of time playing in the shallows on the beach.
 Everyone is gunning to be Cole's favorite. It may be too early to tell, but I am pretty sure that Davis is a front runner. He LOVES Davis.

 Grandma Linda is always a favorite because she take the boys on adventures!

 She is pretty good at coaching rock throwing.
 Grandpa Clark is a big softie for the boys. They love it when he plays trucks and cars with them!

 Of course Ben and his best buddy ever, Uncle Jason. Notice how he smiles so nice for pictures with Uncle Jason? Stinker.

What a fun trip!

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