Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Utah State Fair

 We went to the fair to celebrate Cole's first birthday. The very first thing Ben wanted to do was ride the ferris wheel. Ben loved being able to see everything and go up so high in the air. Cole on the other hand was not so sure about the whole thing. He was a little freaked out.
 Scott got suckered into a carnival game. Of course he lost. They are designed that way. But in the carny's defense he really did give Scott a very good tutorial that seemed to give away the "secret." But we still walked away empty handed.
 Ben on the other hand was a carnival game pro! We went over to the kids section where kids win a prize no matter what. We let Ben go first. He shocked us all, even the seasoned carny, when he popped not one, but TWO balloons! He didn't even need dad's help! He won the prize all by himself!
 He picked a snake for his prize. So so scary.
 My strong men won a really cool hammer with their super strength.
 Ben love the helicopter ride. He went on it twice! He loved that he could make it go up and down.
 But I think the race car ride was his favorite. Big surprise right? He rode this one twice too.

 The bounce house may have been the best dollar we spent at the fair. Five whole minutes of bouncing!

 Cole enjoyed bouncing on the outside of the bounce house. Chick came to the fair with us! I love when she comes home. The only problem is that we all want to play with her.
 The carny from the balloon popping tent gave Cole a balloon because it was his birthday. He adores balloons.
 When you go to the fair, you have to go and see the livestock. It is actually one of my favorite things to do there.
 There was a brand new baby calf born the same morning as Cole's birthday! So we had to say hello. Cole loved "mooing" back at all the cows. When we passed the big bull cows Ben asked us, "What are those things hanging down?" The family behind us started busted up laughing. We said, "Those are his boys." I am so not prepared for these conversations.
 Ben got to feed the goats peanuts! He was a little timid and the poor goat had to break his neck to get the peanut from Ben.
 Aunt Chick pitched in for Ben to go on a pony ride. I love that he is waiting in line with all the other little girls! Chick told him that he had to give her a big smile if he wanted to ride the pony. The little girls all turned around with Ben to give Chick a smile too!
 Isn't he a cute little cowboy?

 Ben desperately wanted to ride on the big slide. He was bummed that he couldn't go by himself, but luckily he decided that he was okay with going with dad.
 What a cute family and what a fun day!
Happy Birthday little C!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day!! I can't believe our babies are 1 years old. You are a beautiful family. Love you guys!


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