Monday, October 15, 2007

The Final Results Are In!!!!!

It was so amazing to finally see this adorable little boy in my tummy!! There really is a little one in there! He was rolling around like crazy but we got a real good shot of "HIM." Throughout my pregnancy I have really felt like it was going to be a boy, but you never know. The first time I saw him on the monitor I said, "Look! There HE is! Oh wait! I still don't know!" Shortly after that he proved to me that he was in fact a he. It was so reassuring to see him, and know that there really is a little one in there. It was even better to know that everything looked good, normal, and healthy. His heartbeat was strong, his spine was intact and straight, kidneys looked good, bones were there! In the top picture it looks like he is sucking his thumb. We have an ultrasound shot of my brother that is almost identical! They videotaped the whole ultrasound for me so I can watch it on the days that I am doubtful that there really is something in my tummy!



    I am soo happy for you both! This is just amazing. A real little boy human of your very own!

  2. Yay! congrats!!! A little Scotty is on HIS way! I'm so happy for you guys! (and you're's always nice to look back and have confirmation that ALL this isn't for nothing! There's a baby boy waiting to meet you!)

  3. Congratulations! What a very clear profile shot- his first photo (of many to come!)

  4. I'm so excited, I can't wait 147 days, and I knew it was a boy, i definitely have a 6th sense!

  5. We are very excited to have another boy join the cousin clan!! Congratulations you guys!!

  6. Congrats you two! I'm excited for ya'll. Can't wait to see little Scotty Jr. You guys will be great parents. Take care. All the best, Nicker

  7. Yipee!!! Congrats! We love boys! We are so excited for you two! Graham can't wait for baby boo to get here so he can have a buddy!

  8. We knew it was a boy! We only got to vote once on your poll, but just for the record Lexi and I both wanted to vote for the light blue instead of pink. Congratulations. Lexi is so jealous of you...she wants an excuse to buy a new wardrobe. I want an excuse to build furniture (really to buy the power tools necessary for furniture building). And just so you know, your baby is upside down in the little picture. I don't know if that's a problem. Maybe that's why I'm not a dad yet.... I think Lexi will be good at training me, though.

    And Happy Halloween. This is your last chance to have costume pairs. From now on it will be three costumes.

  9. My little guy moves like crazy too. That's how we know they will be BEST friends...they just can't wait to get out and romp around together!

  10. Hey Scott and Britta this is natalie and scott pettitt from Liberty square days ya know? Congrats on the baby boy!!! How exciting! Scott and i are expecting a little boy in Feb! Almost everyone I know who is expecting is having a boy! It is a boy year! I am glad I found your blog. You guys look awesome! Your baby is one lucky little guy!

  11. I've tagged you! Go to my blog to see what to do!


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