Saturday, October 6, 2007

Brenda and Zack Take the Plunge!!

Zack and Brenda's wedding was beautiful. It was at the Springville Museum of Art, very appropriate for the art kids. This was the first wedding I have been to at the SMA and I am a fan. Brenda did design her own dress, but dared not damage the fabric by her own hand. It was gorgeous and perfect for Brenda. Their wedding photographer(s) consisted of the BYU photo program. It was awesome. Pretty much everyone in Zack's year was there with a camera in hand! There was a joyous reunion between me and Gaby!! Oh how good it was to see her after being away so long. I must say that New York has changed our little midwest Gaby. She is now full blooded Manhattan. She looks incredible and oh so chic!! I can't wait until our next reunion. Hopefully in March some time! (hint hint)


  1. this picture is great, except it's too bad you can see how wonky the cake is. if it were any more extreme it could belong to tim burton.

    ohhh, i'm so glad you came! it was so lovely to see you. anyway, congrats on the baby, i don't even remember if i told you that when i saw you. much love, b

  2. britta,

    I loved seeing you too! lol.. I'm not so sure I am totaly there yet as far as new york chic is concerned but I am working on it;)

    I am planing a trip to Utah the beginning of the year so no more hints are necessary!


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